RV Aircraft Construction Website

RV-12iS Construction Log:

1st Things First
- Getting Ready
- Pop-riveting
- Compressors
RV-12iS Tools & Techniques
- Drilling
- Dimpling and Countersinking
- Tools
- Riveting
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Vans Aircraft RV-12iS Unboxing - VansAircraftBuilders.com
Watch as we unbox an RV-12iS from Van's Aircraft. This is an exciting time, to build an actual Airplane!
Van's Aircraft RV-12iS Tail Kit Inventory - VansAircraftBuilders.com
It's time to check our order to make sure that all the parts are there.
RV-12iS Project Update - Vertical Stabilizer - Part 1 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
We started working on the vertical stabilizer and tried out "the wedge", using our new Milwaukee M12 cordless pop riveter. Very nice! The RV-12iS shown in the beginning of the video was built by high school students in McKinney, Texas.
RV-12iS Vertical Stabilizer - Part 2 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video, we're finishing off the Vertical Stabilizer portion of the RV-12iS. Next, the Rudder!
RV-12iS - Rudder Spar Assembly - Plus Video Documentation Tip - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video, we're assembling the Rudder Spar and doing a test fit. Also, we show how we video our work, plus the equipment used.
RV-12iS Horizontal Stabilizer: Vlog #1 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video I'm putting the Hinge Brackets together for the front spar or the horizontal stabilizer of the RV-12iS.
RV-12iS Horizontal Stabilizer: Vlog #2 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video I'm assembling the Spar Cap for the horizontal stabilizer of the RV-12iS.
More work on the Stabilator Spar - Part 4 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
Work continues on the RV-12iS Stabilator Spar Box, adding more and more items before attaching the ribs and the outer skin.
Van's Aircraft - RV-12iS Rudder Part 1 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video, I'm starting work on the RV-12iS Rudder.
Van's Aircraft RV-12iS - Rudder Construction Part 2 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video, I'm working some more on the RV-12iS Rudder.
Van's Aircraft RV-12iS - Rudder Final Assembly - Part 3 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video, I'm completing my work on the RV-12iS Rudder.
Van's Aircraft - RV-12iS Anti-Servo Tab - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video, I'm building the Anti-Servo Tab for the RV-12iS Stabilator.
Van's Aircraft - RV-12iS Stabilator Part 3 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video I'm attaching the Upper and Lower Cable Attach Horns.
Van's Aircraft RV-12iS Stabilator Construction Completion - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video, I'm finishing up construction of the RV-12iS Stabilator.
Broomsticks and Blue Stuff - VansAircraftBuilders.com
Here's how I remove the blue film from the big sheets of metal. Thanks goes out to Jason Ellis for this great tip: https://youtu.be/2I3NJqnpCjg?t=163
RV-12iS Tailcone Construction Part 1 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video, we're starting work on the Tailcone section of the RV-12iS.
RV-12iS Tailcone Construction Part 2 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video, we're continuing work on the Tailcone section of the RV-12iS.
Van's Aircraft RV-12iS Tailcone Construction Part 3 - VansAircraftBuilders.com
In this video, we're continuing work (part 3) on the Tailcone section of the RV-12iS.

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RV-9A Construction Log:

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RV-9A Log Entries:


- Horizontal Stabilizer (49:40)
- Vertical Stabilizer (21:15)
- Rudder (32:15)
- Right Elevator (35:45)
- Left Elevator (30:50)

- Inventory & Setup (9:30)
- Left Wing Prep (54:30)
- Left Fuel Tank (45:20)
- Left Wing Skins (46:10)
- Right Wing Prep (34:15)
- Right Fuel Tank (47:50)
- Right Wing Skins (40:15)
- Ailerons (54:30)
- Flaps (40:30)
- Rods and ends (18:45)

- Fuselage Parts List
- Inventory and Setup (7:15)
- FireWall (14:30)
- F-704 Bulkhead (13:25)
- F-705 Bulkhead (14:20)
- Other Bulkheads and Longerons (17:30)
- Tailcone (29:30)
- Center Section (35:15)
- Forward Section (52:40)
- Forward Assembly (24:30)
- Skins/Baggage Area (46:30)
- Seats & Seat Floors (30:15)
- Flaps & Gear Mounts (18:15)
- Fuselage Plumbing (14:0)
- Tail Feathers (16:35)
- Front Deck/Firewall (58:50)

Finish Kit
- Electrical (57:30)
- Electrical Part 2 (24:0)
- Canopy (22:30)
- Landing Gear (18:35)