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Home - RV-9A: Right Elevator
Started cutting out the Right Elevator stiffeners 11/9/2005 - Started cutting out the Right Elevator stiffeners
I decided to cut out the stiffeners and cleco them in place on the elevator skins as I finish each one. ... read more
Finished the stiffeners for the Right Elevator 11/10/2005 - Finished the stiffeners for the Right Elevator
The skin on the these elevators is suprisingly thin like the rudder skin. It amazing how fast things firm up as you add the reinforcement parts, such as the stiffeners. ... read more
Final drilled the skins and stiffeners on the Right and Left Elevators 11/11/2005 - Final drilled the skins and stiffeners on the Right and Left Elevators
Boy, will I have a sore hand and arm tomorrow! That's a lot of movin' clecos and drillin'. ... read more
Final drilled the #40 holes on the E-615PP reinforcing bracket 11/18/2005 - Final drilled the #40 holes on the E-615PP reinforcing bracket
Here I clecoed on the E-615PP reinforcing bracket in every other hole and then marked the open holes with a sharpie. After drilling the marked holes and moved the the clecos and finished final drillin ... read more
Finished dimpling the Right Elevator skin 11/23/2005 - Finished dimpling the Right Elevator skin
Datsa' lot of holes! ... read more
Clecoed and final drilled the Elevator skins to the Counter Balance Arms 11/29/2005 - Clecoed and final drilled the Elevator skins to the Counter Balance Arms
I was a little confused about when or if I was supposed to do this now, so I did it anyway. It was thrilling to see these pieces put together. This is such a cool aircraft! ... read more
Clecoed the spar and end rib to the right elevator skin 11/30/2005 - Clecoed the spar and end rib to the right elevator skin
The instructions say to cleco the spar to the bottom surface of the elevator skin, then clamp and drill the Control Horn to the spar and rib where they were riveted together. ... read more
Finished dimpling the right elevator main spar assembly 12/4/2005 - Finished dimpling the right elevator main spar assembly
I finished off the dimpling of the E-906 end rib with my Avery vise grip dimpler. I also dimpled the rest of the holes in the right elevator skin. ... read more
Started work on riveting the stiffeners to the right elevator skin 12/5/2005 - Started work on riveting the stiffeners to the right elevator skin
After scratching my head for several minutes and not being able to find anyone to help hold the elevator skin for the stiffener riveting, I came up with a solution. I attached an old piece of plywood ... read more
Riveted the counterbalance assembly to the front spar 12/6/2005 - Riveted the counterbalance assembly to the front spar
I used my pneumatic rivet squeezer to put in the outside rivets that attached the counterbalance ribs to the main spar. But the inside rivets were a little trickier. I used my hand squeezer with the 4 ... read more
Started working on the right elevator trailing edge 12/23/2005 - Started working on the right elevator trailing edge
Nice to get back to work. Things got really busy around here in the past 2 weeks. Here I final drilled the trailing edge through the pre-drilled holes in the top of the elevator skin through the wedge ... read more
Time for Proseal! (yuck) 12/26/2005 - Time for Proseal! (yuck)
I ordered the Proseal tube from Vans. It comes with a black push rod for pushing the black stuff info the white stuff for mixing and a clear screw-in nozzle for dispensing. The instructions have NO PI ... read more
Getting ready for riveting the Right Elevator trailing edge 12/29/2005 - Getting ready for riveting the Right Elevator trailing edge
I placed rivets in the holes on the top of the right elevator trailing edge and tape them down. ... read more
Installed the Rod End Bearings on the Right Elevator 1/1/2006 - Installed the Rod End Bearings on the Right Elevator
The instructions jumped right into mounting the right elevator to the horizontal stabilizer so you can drill the hole in the Wd-605 elevator horn for the bolt that attaches the horn to the center brac ... read more
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