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RV-9A: Right Elevator - 1/1/2006
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Installed the Rod End Bearings on the Right ElevatorInstalled the Rod End Bearings on the Right Elevator
The instructions jumped right into mounting the right elevator to the horizontal stabilizer so you can drill the hole in the Wd-605 elevator horn for the bolt that attaches the horn to the center bracket. I found a link to construct a Rod End Bearing installation tool at http://home.hiwaay.net/~sbuc/journal/odd-ends.html#bearing%20tool
Temporarily attached the right elevator to the horizontal stabilizer Temporarily attached the right elevator to the horizontal stabilizer
My son helped me get the newly attached rod end bearings into the mounting brackets on the horizontal stabilizer. I found a website (can't remember which) where someone had built this bolt holder. It came in handy getting those bolts on to hold the elevator.
Close-up shot of the bolt holderClose-up shot of the bolt holder
This dude was really easy to build out of some aluminum I got from Home Depot.
Dang, this sucker is big!Dang, this sucker is big!
I luv it.
Getting ready to drill the hole into the elevator horn from the center bracketGetting ready to drill the hole into the elevator horn from the center bracket
The instructions say to get a drill bushing or small tube to guide a drill bit through the center bracket into the elevator horn. I found this brass barb splicer at Home Depot and put some electrical tape around one end. It fit perfectly into the hole of the center bracket.
Drilling the hole into the elevator hornDrilling the hole into the elevator horn
Here you can see that the barb splicer fits perfectly into the center bracket. Then I found that a 1/8" drill bit fitted perfectly inside the barb splicer. I drilled the hole into the elevator horn. Then all I had to do was take the right elevator off of the horizontal stabilizer and enlarge the 1/8" hole to the final 1/4" hole size to accept the bolt that holds the entire center bracket assembly together.
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