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Home - RV-9A: Rod's and ends
Started work on the pushrods 1/8/2008 - Started work on the pushrods
The instructions say to "assemble the W-917 and W-918 pushrods as shown in DWG 9." Well, I looked all over that drawing and only saw where you assemble the whole thing after the pushrods are assembled ... read more
Time for the Inner Primer 1/9/2008 - Time for the Inner Primer
Oooh, sounds like New Age stuff. "I am one with the Primer!". Anyway.... All the pushrods have to be primed inside and out. I duct taped one end of the larger pushrods and poured in almost a quart of ... read more
Getting setup for drilling the holes for attaching the rod end 1/10/2008 - Getting setup for drilling the holes for attaching the rod end
I'm a little short on time today, so I am going to just get setup for the pushrod drilling session tomorrow. It's not real clear in drawing #15 about how many rivets go in each end of each large push ... read more
Got the Aileron Pushrods welded! 1/11/2008 - Got the Aileron Pushrods welded!
I went to a local shop were they build custom choppers to get my aileron pushrods welded. I figured these guys must be into finesse. Lonnie, at ... read more
A whole lot of prep and 15 minutes of drillin' and pop-rivetin' 1/12/2008 - A whole lot of prep and 15 minutes of drillin' and pop-rivetin'
This went fairly quickly. All the prep I did really made things easy. Here I'm drilling the holes with my drill press and putting in a couple of clecos.
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Laid the large pushrods inside the wings 1/16/2008 - Laid the large pushrods inside the wings
I taped some paper towels to a couple of ribs and layed the pushrod inside wing. I'm pretty much clueless about how this whole thing goes together. I wish the instructions would tell you when to final ... read more
Cut the Crank Spacers 1/17/2008 - Cut the Crank Spacers
When I stored the bags from wing inventory in their individual bins, I also wrote the part number and quantity of each part on the outside of each bin. This has really helped me to locate parts like t ... read more
Cut the spacers for the aileron attach bracket bolts 1/22/2008 - Cut the spacers for the aileron attach bracket bolts
These parts are pretty small. I had to be really careful while using the bandsaw and the bench sander.
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Put in the electrical conduit 1/26/2008 - Put in the electrical conduit
Boring... It took an hour and a half just to put in one line of conduit in one wing. But this is really going to be a cool way to run wires through the wing.
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Reworked the conduit placement 1/27/2008 - Reworked the conduit placement
I realized after talking with some guys on the ... read more
Getting ready to install the Pitot Tube 1/28/2008 - Getting ready to install the Pitot Tube
This looks pretty straight forward. I started off by making my first bend with my tube bender from Lowes (aircraft and lumber supply) on the 1/4 inch tube setting. I made some marks on the plans that ... read more
Put the flaps on (temporarily) 1/29/2008 - Put the flaps on (temporarily)
I wanted to see how things line up along the trailing edge. Due to the lack of space in my garage, I decided long ago to assemble the left wing and flap first and then the right. Apparently this line ... read more
Getting ready to move the wings to the hangar 1/30/2008 - Getting ready to move the wings to the hangar
I removed the ailerons and flaps. Then I clecoed on the bottoms skins. I decided to wait until later to rivet them on, even though I could at this point.
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Move the wings to the hangar 2/10/2008 - Move the wings to the hangar
I rented a 8' x 14' box truck from a local ... read more
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