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Home - RV-9A: Firewall
Started work on the firewall 3/11/2008 - Started work on the firewall
The first order of business to cut out these two left and right F-601J angles which are made from AA6-187x2x2 1/2 stock, which I found in sub-kit #18. I will now smooth it down with the scotchbrite wh ... read more
Final drilled the stiffeners and other parts 3/17/2008 - Final drilled the stiffeners and other parts
After clecoing the stiffeners and other parts to the firewall, I final drilled everything with my #30 and #40 drill bits.
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Final drilled the F-601J Angles 3/20/2008 - Final drilled the F-601J Angles
These dudes were a little bit tricky, especially having the smaller spacers underneath these angles to drill through. I lined up all the parts and clamped everything down, and then drilled all the hol ... read more
Ready to Prime! 3/21/2008 - Ready to Prime!
All the firewall parts have been deburred, edges scotchbrited (is that a word?) and are now ready for the old rattle can primer. Gas mask please...
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Riveted on the Aux Fuel Pump doubler plate 3/29/2008 - Riveted on the Aux Fuel Pump doubler plate
I decided to go again with the backriveting method on this dude. It seems to have worked out OK.
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