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Home - RV-9A: Electrical - Part 2
Time for the Headset Plugs 5/30/2011 - Time for the Headset Plugs
Here are the headset plugs all wired and ready to install. I forgot to take pictures of my wire runs from the intercom to the arm rests and the control sticks. Sorry bout' that. If you decide to use V ... read more
Installed one of the Ray Allen stick grips 5/31/2011 - Installed one of the Ray Allen stick grips
This turned out to be pretty installation of one of the ... read more
Now to protect the wire from chafing 6/26/2011 - Now to protect the wire from chafing
The instructions say to use some rubber tubing to protect the wire from being chafed as the stick moves around. I found this small diameter flexible conduit at an electronics outlet. It seems to allow ... read more
Back to work! 9/25/2011 - Back to work!
Well, it's been 3 months since my last confession (err- entry). We have been remodeling our kitchen, a total rip-out and re-do. Now it's back to work. Here I've finished the putting the mounting frame ... read more
Time to test the Comm, Intercom, Push-to-talk switches and the headset plugs 1/22/2012 - Time to test the Comm, Intercom, Push-to-talk switches and the headset plugs
This is the spooky part. After running the wires and hooking everthing up, it was time to see if I did everything right. I temporary hooked up the battery to the electrical system. I used a temporary ... read more
Fired up the Garmin GTX-327 Digital Transponder 2/19/2012 - Fired up the Garmin GTX-327 Digital Transponder
There's something about flipping the power switch on that scares the hell out of me. Kind of like getting married, once you say "I do", you don't know what's going to happen next. Well, in this case, ... read more
Made some panel labels 3/14/2012 - Made some panel labels
I borrowed my wife's Brother Label Maker and made these clear labels with black print.
... read more
Fired up the D-100 5/15/2012 - Fired up the D-100
Hitting the "ON" switch is kind of like getting married, ya' don't know what's going to happen next. I hooked up the GTX 327 transponder to the Dynon EFIS D-100 according to the instructions, hooking ... read more
Hooked up the Heater Control Cable 7/22/2012 - Hooked up the Heater Control Cable
I had to special order a #10 drill bit for my pneumatic angle drill from Aircraft Spruce to drill a hole in the engine wall aluminum angle support, so the control cable could go through it. Then I use ... read more
AirGizmo 656 Mount Refit for iPad 8/18/2012 - AirGizmo 656 Mount Refit for iPad
I use my iPad with ForeFlight all the time in my Cessna 172, but I hadn't figured out a way use it when I start flying the RV. It's too big for a leg strap and I couldn't find a suitable place any whe ... read more
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