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Home - RV-9A: Tail Feathers
Time to fit the Elevators to the Horizontal Stabilizer 2/15/2010 - Time to fit the Elevators to the Horizontal Stabilizer
At this point, it's difficult to know what to do next, so I've decided to fit the tail feathers while I'm waiting for the Firewall Forward kit. This whole session today is about drilling the elevator ... read more
Riveted on the F-709 Bulkhead 2/19/2010 - Riveted on the F-709 Bulkhead
The instructions don't mention about when to rivet this bulkhead on, so I'm doing it now. It kind of makes sense to get this out of the way before fitting the tail kit to the fuselage.
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Time to start work on the elevator rigging 2/22/2010 - Time to start work on the elevator rigging
So I thought. Then I read where the push rod needs to be primed on the inside and set aside to dry for a couple of days. So I primed it just like I did on the wing ... read more
Started work on the Elevator Push Rod 3/3/2010 - Started work on the Elevator Push Rod
Yes, I've lost my mind and started drawing pictures. NOT! Actually this is my idea for marking the end pieces on the push rod where the pop-rivets will go. I simply put the push rod ends down on the d ... read more
Time to trim the VS-702 forward spar on the Vertical Stabilizer 3/16/2010 - Time to trim the VS-702 forward spar on the Vertical Stabilizer
I got out Mr. Drimmel and we went to town. A pretty easy cut. A little sanding of the rough edges and I'm done!
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Bolted and riveted the elevator stop 3/17/2010 - Bolted and riveted the elevator stop
I couldn't get my pneumatic squeezer in position, so I just used my hand squeezer to put in the rivets.
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Made the rudder stops 3/28/2010 - Made the rudder stops
I can why people just ignore building these things and just go with some of the ... read more
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