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Home - RV-9A: Right Wing Skins
Started work on the Right Wing Skins 3/11/2007 - Started work on the Right Wing Skins
I got out the old soldering iron and removed the blue plastic film to get access to the rivet holes and started deburring.
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Finished the outboard top skin 3/14/2007 - Finished the outboard top skin
I finished deburring, dimpling and edge sanding on the outboard top skin for the right wing.
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Started dimpling the top inboard skin 3/17/2007 - Started dimpling the top inboard skin
The inboard skin is really thick, much thicker than the outboard skin. I'm trying my best to dimple the holes with the C-Frame dimple shaft lined up with the legs on the work table. The dimples just s ... read more
Started work on the right bottom outboard skin 3/20/2007 - Started work on the right bottom outboard skin
There is something therapeutic about removing the blue plastic film from around the rivet holes with the soldering iron and ruler. It's a big reminder to "be in the moment" while working on this airpl ... read more
Removed the blue film from the back inboard skin 3/22/2007 - Removed the blue film from the back inboard skin
I forgot to mention in previous logs that the metal ruler I use has a rubber backing on it to prevent it from scooting around while I'm running the soldering iron tip on the blue plastic film. I bough ... read more
Deburred, dimpled, sanded and primed the J Stringers 3/24/2007 - Deburred, dimpled, sanded and primed the J Stringers
I had to be real careful handling these dudes. They have one edge that is really sharp and took a lot of sanding to round off the edge. I couldn't use the Scotchbrite wheel on this edge because of the ... read more
Countersunk the main spar 3/27/2007 - Countersunk the main spar
I countersunk all of the remaining holes in the main spar. This took a while because I had to let my (piece of crap) non-oiled compressor cool off between countersinking sessions. When I build my next ... read more
Primed the Leading Edge Skin and Ribs 3/29/2007 - Primed the Leading Edge Skin and Ribs
I laid everything out in the back yard on some scrap lumber and primed all the surfaces of the ribs. Then I only primed the places on the skin where it made contact with the ribs.
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Finished riveting the skin on the leading edge ribs 4/5/2007 - Finished riveting the skin on the leading edge ribs
The tilting jig that I built for the tank came in handy when putting in these rivets.
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Finished riveting the leading edge to the main spar 4/7/2007 - Finished riveting the leading edge to the main spar
I was able to rivet all of the ribs in but one. I put a question out on the email groups about putting in pop rivets on the unreachable rib. It's seems that on the RV-7/7A wing that pop-riveting the c ... read more
Started puttin' on the them skins! 4/15/2007 - Started puttin' on the them skins!
I clecoed on the top skins to the right wing and got my good friend Norwood (the rivet gun king) to come over get started on riveting the skins on. We got a couple of rows in and had to quit because I ... read more
Hey, remember me? I'm baaaccckkkkk! 4/24/2007 - Hey, remember me? I'm baaaccckkkkk!
My rivet gun buddy and I are working during our lunch break from work to wack out some of the rivets. We managed to finish the inboard right wing skin. Looking good!
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Back to work! 4/28/2007 - Back to work!
My good buddy Norwood and I came out again at lunch today determined to finished up riveting the skin to the spars and ribs.
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Finished riveting the J Stringer onto the right wing 4/30/2007 - Finished riveting the J Stringer onto the right wing
After my riveting buddy finished riveting on the J Stringer, we loaded to the right wing on to the wing cradle. Sure feels great to get this done.
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