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Home - RV-9A: Front Deck/Firewall
Started work on the Front Deck 4/3/2010 - Started work on the Front Deck
Time to put the Front Deck or Panel together, I think. I really miss the orderly building process I've had until now. I feel kind of like the Jolly Green Giants first wife on her wedding night, coming ... read more
Drilled and clecoed rear F-746 engine control bracket 4/12/2010 - Drilled and clecoed rear F-746 engine control bracket
There are 2 F-746 engine control brackets. One to put below the F-7103 instrumental and the other to hold the control cables under the center F-7105A center sub panel. The instructions for building th ... read more
Time for the F-721C and F-721D attach angles 4/20/2010 - Time for the F-721C and F-721D attach angles
In order to get these angles in the right position, I had take a fine print sharpie and outline the front panel onto the F-721A deck while the skin was still on. Otherwise you have know way of knowing ... read more
Time to start the cabin vent system 4/21/2010 - Time to start the cabin vent system
I clecoed all the parts together, but will not rivet them in place yet. I will need to take all this out to put the rudder pedals in first. The panel will need to be where it goes so I can place the v ... read more
Time to do the circular cutout on the F-793 Vent attach angle 4/22/2010 - Time to do the circular cutout on the F-793 Vent attach angle
I made the F-793 angles yesterday but forgot to take pictures of them. Today I'm putting the cutout in them so they can fit snug up to the SV-1 Inlet Vent. I find making radius cuts easy, because I ch ... read more
Drilled and dimpled the F-793 attach angles 4/23/2010 - Drilled and dimpled the F-793 attach angles
I used the fuselage skin as a guide to drill the rivet holes in the F-793 attach angles. Then I dimpled both parts.
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Getting the SV-1 Inlet Vents ready 4/27/2010 - Getting the SV-1 Inlet Vents ready
Before I can put these vents in place, there are a few things that need to be done. First, I made these small pieces of aluminum and drilled holes into them using the vent rivet holes as a drilling gu ... read more
Countersunk the 3/32 rivet holes in the gascolator bracket 4/29/2010 - Countersunk the 3/32 rivet holes in the gascolator bracket
No biggy here. It's a nice break to work on a no brainer.
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Drilled the holes in the Gascolator bracket 4/30/2010 - Drilled the holes in the Gascolator bracket
I removed the rudder pedal assembly so I could get a good shot at drilling these holes. The gascolator on the forward side of fuselage will be bolted on later. I used my unibit to start the hold in th ... read more
Time to run the Rudder Cables 5/7/2010 - Time to run the Rudder Cables
Well, I think it's time to run the rudder cables. I don't really know. First hurdle, how to get the cable end through the grommets. The cable end is bigger than the grommet, so I couldn't get the cabl ... read more
Time to install the cable cover fairings 5/11/2010 - Time to install the cable cover fairings
These ... read more
Finished up the static line 5/16/2010 - Finished up the static line
Here are the final connections for the static system (aft). 2 clear plastic tube lines placed directly on the 2 of the inlits on the "T", and short piece of clear plastic tube on the 3 inlit, with the ... read more
Started on the Firewall Forward Kit 5/27/2010 - Started on the Firewall Forward Kit
Looks like I need to order my engine. The instructions in the firewall forward kit only go so far, then it's engine time. So I'm going to do as much as I can, to the point of needing the engine. Here ... read more
Made the F-7127D reinforcement plate 6/14/2010 - Made the F-7127D reinforcement plate
This plate goes behind the firewall and helps support the Master and Starter Relays on the front of the firewall. Now it's time establish the holes in the firewall for the nutplates. The first hole in ... read more
Riveted the firewall recess 6/28/2010 - Riveted the firewall recess
There's a lot debate about when to put this dude in. Since I'm putting in my battery box and relays now, that pretty much clinched it for me, since the recess has to be in place to install the nutplat ... read more
Installed the Gascolator 7/6/2010 - Installed the Gascolator
This was pretty simple except for the putting the angle fitting on the right. It wants to stop turning where "it" wants to stop turning. I think the hose will hook up OK though. I couldn't find the sp ... read more
Installed the heat vent (kind of) 7/12/2010 - Installed the heat vent (kind of)
I lined up the 2 inch hole in the firewall with the 2 inch hole in the back of the heat vent to determine where the bolts holes needed to be drilled in the firewall. After drilling the holes, I put so ... read more
Back from Oshkosh (or OshSlosh) 8/4/2010 - Back from Oshkosh (or OshSlosh)
Who cares about mud and rain. We had a great time! We rented this 34 foot RV from El Monte RV. It was NICE! It had 2 pop-outs and a really large fridge for the beer (and some food). We had to spend th ... read more
Look, it's modern art! 8/9/2010 - Look, it's modern art!
Nope, jes' a motor mount with the front gear leg stuck in it. I figured while I have the motor mount off, I would ream the hole like I did on the mains. Here I getting setup to use my ... read more
Installed the new Bonaco brake hoses 8/16/2010 - Installed the new Bonaco brake hoses
Wow, I really like these hoses and fittings that I got from ... read more
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