RV Aircraft Construction Website

Smitty's RV-12iS Aircraft Build Project:

RV-12iS Construction Log:

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Van's Aircraft - RV-12iS - Stabilator Attach
In this video, I'm attaching the Stabilator to the RV-12iS Tailcone.
RV-12iS - Rudder Attach
In this video, I'm attaching the Rudder to the RV-12iS Tailcone.
RV-12iS - Vertical Stabilizer Attach
In this video, I'm attaching the Vertical Stabilizer to the RV-12iS Tailcone.
Empennage Fiberglass Fairings
I this video, I'm attaching the Fiberglass Fairings on to the Vertical Stabilizer, Rudder and Stabilator.
Van's Aircraft RV-12iS Tailcone Construction Part 4
In this video, I'm finishing up the skins on the RV-12iS Tailcone.
Van's Aircraft RV-12iS Tailcone Construction Part 3
In this video, we're continuing work (part 3) on the Tailcone section of the RV-12iS.
RV-12iS Tailcone Construction Part 2
In this video, we're continuing work on the Tailcone section of the RV-12iS.
RV-12iS Tailcone Construction Part 1
In this video, we're starting work on the Tailcone section of the RV-12iS.
Van's Aircraft RV12iS! A Fun and Easy Airplane to Build - Sample of Construction
Van's aircraft makes it easy to build an airplane. This video is only a sample of the ease of construction. Van's provides a method to hang side panels without having to hold them in place. Cool!
Warp Speed Riveting!
Warp Speed Riveting on my RV-12iS. Almost feel a little guilty after building an RV-9A!
Broomsticks and Blue Stuff
Here's how I remove the blue film from the big sheets of metal. Thanks goes out to Jason Ellis for this great tip: https://youtu.be/2I3NJqnpCjg?t=163
Van's Aircraft RV-12iS Stabilator Construction Completion
In this video, I'm finishing up construction of the RV-12iS Stabilator.
How to Reduce Air Compressor Noise - Soundproofing!
My air compressor was so loud, it was annoying my wife and my neighbors. Here's my solution for reducing the noise.
Van's Aircraft - RV-12iS Stabilator Part 3
In this video I'm attaching the Upper and Lower Cable Attach Horns.
Van's Aircraft - RV-12iS Anti-Servo Tab
In this video, I'm building the Anti-Servo Tab for the RV-12iS Stabilator.

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