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RV-9A: Electrical - Part 2 - 2/19/2012
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Fired up the Garmin GTX-327 Digital TransponderFired up the Garmin GTX-327 Digital Transponder
There's something about flipping the power switch on that scares the hell out of me. Kind of like getting married, once you say "I do", you don't know what's going to happen next. Well, in this case, all is well in the universe, or at least in my garage. Ain't it purdy? The transponder went through some kind of automatic configuration and didn't find any apparent issues. Phew!
Here's the transponder AntennaHere's the transponder Antenna
I watched the EAA video on BNC Connectors for Antennas on Coaxial Cable again to make sure I did the connector right. I hung the antenna outside the fuselage before turning on the power for the Transponder test.
Time to wire up the Dynon EFIS D-100Time to wire up the Dynon EFIS D-100
This unit is probably wondering where I've been since I bought the unit at AirVenture over 2 years ago.
Plugged in the wiring harnessPlugged in the wiring harness
I ordered the wiring harness along with the D-100 to make things a little easier for me, especially since the only thing I know about electronics is how to spell it.
Started work on a custom mounting bracket for the remote CompassStarted work on a custom mounting bracket for the remote Compass
This is a work in progress. The Dynon Remote Compass has to be mounted level horizontally to the wings and pitched at the same angle as the D-100 EFIS unit in the panel. Both "J" channels, behind the baggage area go up towards the tail at different angles, so I started off by pop-riveting an aluminum piece of angle to each. Then I made two vertical angles and pop-riveted them to the two horizontal angles, all the time making sure that the vertical angles were perfectly straight up and down. Now I have to figure out how to mount the Remote Compass.
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