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Drilled the foot step holes in the F-970 forward side skins 1/20/2009 - Drilled the foot step holes in the F-970 forward side skins
This is really where I appreciate a forum like ... read more
Fluted the F-920 Armrests 1/26/2009 - Fluted the F-920 Armrests
The instructions say to "Fit and drill the F-920 armrests". The next sentence said "You may flute lightly between the holes in the armrest to make it match the holes in the fuselage side skin". Rememb ... read more
Making the conical bends on the F-970 skins 1/28/2009 - Making the conical bends on the F-970 skins
I have been dreading this part. Kind of like going to the dentist, but you know you have to go. The instructions say to find a scrap piece of AA6-125 angle to use to make the bend. I started to look t ... read more
Drilled the holes into the Longerons aft of F-904 bulkhead 1/31/2009 - Drilled the holes into the Longerons aft of F-904 bulkhead
I went to Lowes and bought some new hand squeezer clamps and clamped the side skins to the longerons, making sure the edge of the skin was flush with the flat side of the longeron. Then I drilled ever ... read more
Time to drill the forward longerons 2/1/2009 - Time to drill the forward longerons
The longerons are twisted on the forward ends, so the skin has to confrom to the twist before the holes can be drilled. To do this, I bought some more small "C"clamps and started putting them on, aft ... read more
Drilled the first holes into the Firewall 2/2/2009 - Drilled the first holes into the Firewall
After getting the firewall into position I read in the instructions that the face of the firewall has to be 5/8"s back from the forward edge of the skins. The bottom of the firewall didn't go back far ... read more
Getting ready to drill the forward side skin and longeron holes into the firewall bracket 2/8/2009 - Getting ready to drill the forward side skin and longeron holes into the firewall bracket
Now it's time to drill the last forward holes in the forward side skins into the upper firewall brackets. The instructions say to put more clamps on the firewall brackets to make sure they lie perfect ... read more
Homer strikes again! 2/10/2009 - Homer strikes again!
I made these F-719B Angle Clips and drilled the holes as shown in the drawing. WRONG! I shouldn't have drilled the single hole in the short flange. I realized later when fitting the F-719 Forward Skin ... read more
Started work on the F-917-R&L Lower Longerons 2/12/2009 - Started work on the F-917-R&L Lower Longerons
These dudes are labor intensive (at least they were for me). The instructions say that these are "simply lengths of AA6-125 x 1 x 1Y4 angle". In the next version of the instructions I think the word " ... read more
What an evening for RV work! 2/15/2009 - What an evening for RV work!
I opened up the garage door and let all the fresh air in. This evening it's around 66 degrees and the air is still. The sounds of birds singing and childred at play flow gently into the garage and ble ... read more
Finished drilling the bottom longerons and F-9101 web 2/16/2009 - Finished drilling the bottom longerons and F-9101 web
This took quite a while to get done. I used several clamps to make sure that everything was tight, skin and all. I made sure to check each hole for the right size bit, so I wouldn't get drill happy.read more
Making the F-996C reinforcement angles 2/19/2009 - Making the F-996C reinforcement angles
These angles provide added strength and a place for the wing tank attach bracket to bolt on to. Before making these guys, I checked a number of other builder websites and just about all of them had re ... read more
Here's the scoop on the F-996C Reinforcement Angle 2/20/2009 - Here's the scoop on the F-996C Reinforcement Angle
Yesterday I created the right F-996C Reinforcement Angle, the F-996B Spacer and drilled everything to the F-9101 web and the side fuselage skin. So today I'm taking pictures of the whole process for t ... read more
Started work on the rudder pedals 2/23/2009 - Started work on the rudder pedals
Now for the fun stuff. I pulled out the parts for rudder pedals and scotchbrited the edges. There a little bumps along the edges that need to get smoothed off as well.
... read more
Started work on assembling the Brake Pedals 3/1/2009 - Started work on assembling the Brake Pedals
After cutting out the 4 inch angles, I clamped them to the brake pedals and drilled all the holes.
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Drilled the F-6115 & F-6116 Bearing Blocks 3/3/2009 - Drilled the F-6115 & F-6116 Bearing Blocks
Drilling these blocks was a little tricky. The drill bit really binds to the blocks as you drill and they are hard to hold on to. They want to ride up the drill bit and come out of your hands. To prev ... read more
Remember this picture? 3/4/2009 - Remember this picture?
OK, now I'm ready to drill the holes into the F-719 skin stiffener angles on the sides of the skins to hold the plastic bearing blocks in place. BUT, how in the hell do you get to it? It's upside-down ... read more
Got my AN3-56 Bolts from Aircraft Spruce! 3/6/2009 - Got my AN3-56 Bolts from Aircraft Spruce!
Wow, over 9 bucks each! But, I think these dudes will insure smooth back and forth movement of the pedals.
... read more
Time to drill the bottom holes in the pedal horns to attach the master cylinders 3/9/2009 - Time to drill the bottom holes in the pedal horns to attach the master cylinders
After visiting ... read more
Drilled and clecoed the  F-972B-R&L floor stiffeners. 3/11/2009 - Drilled and clecoed the F-972B-R&L floor stiffeners.
The instructions said to get a friend to help hold the stiffeners in position to get them in. Hmm... There ain't nobody around. Wife's gone to the health club and my kiddo is in school. So I'm gonna' ... read more
Drilled the floor stiffeners to the F-601J angles on the firewall 3/12/2009 - Drilled the floor stiffeners to the F-601J angles on the firewall
I feel like a kid with a brand new card-board box, crawling in and out from under the fuselage. It's kind of cool under there. I look back through the fuselage, imaging what it will be like when the a ... read more
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