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RV-9A: Forward Section - 3/6/2009
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Got my AN3-56 Bolts from Aircraft Spruce!Got my AN3-56 Bolts from Aircraft Spruce!
Wow, over 9 bucks each! But, I think these dudes will insure smooth back and forth movement of the pedals.
Now for the trial installationNow for the trial installation
Why trial? Well, because I will probably have to remove the pedals to install other stuff. Who knows? I'm always finishing up stuff and then saying to my self "On my next RV, I will do that different". Here's my trick for putting in the skinny washers, a little Scotches magic tape. Just enough to hold the washer in place, but easy to remove the tape after installation.
Nice fit!Nice fit!
These AN3-56 bolts are perfect for this installation. They are just the right length!
Perfect. Although I had brain fart and put in one of the cotter keys. On all the others I will put some tie-down wire on the nut to hold everything temporarily until I get everything installed, like master cylinders, etc. I made sure not to tighten the nut on this bolt. I just screwed in on past the hole in the bolt. This bolt will need to move freely.
Head scratching time againHead scratching time again
The instructions say to "Drill (the pedal) in assembly with (the) Master Cylinder to ensure consistent relative positioning positioning of pedals". I think I know what they mean but I'm not sure. I don't want to drill these holes and then go "Oops, that was wrong". Time to go to the Vans Air Force forums.
UPDATE: I found 2 good references to installing the Master Cylinders. Most say not to drill the holes yet. The other indicates that it is OK to do it now.
Vans Air Force Forums
Matt and Melissas RV-7A
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