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RV-9A: Right Wing Skins - 3/22/2007
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Removed the blue film from the back inboard skinRemoved the blue film from the back inboard skin
I forgot to mention in previous logs that the metal ruler I use has a rubber backing on it to prevent it from scooting around while I'm running the soldering iron tip on the blue plastic film. I bought it at one of those foo-foo home decorating shops that have art supplies, silk flowers, etc. In fact, I've bought quite a few small precision tools at these places. Tools that you wouldn't find at Lowes or Home Depot. I also got my 4 inch foam rubber at one of these places. You just have to put up the ladies staring at you with your dirty hands and soiled Van's t-shirt.
Deburred, dimpled and sanded the skinDeburred, dimpled and sanded the skin
Yes! The right wing skins are done!
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