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RV-9A: Seats and Seat Floors - 10/19/2009
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Time to start work on the Seatbelt Crotch Strap KitTime to start work on the Seatbelt Crotch Strap Kit
Here they are folks, the Seatbelt Crotch components. I found out that I these dudes didn't come with my fuselage kit because I purchased my fuselage kit before December 2008. The floor panels have pre-cut holes in them for this kit, but no kit supplied. Weird. The pair costs 32 dollars.
The floor panelThe floor panel
Here you can see the small precut holes for the Crotch Strap kit, behind where the control stick goes. I'm glad I didn't have to cut them out.
Time to get startedTime to get started
Here I marked a vertical line down the side of each floor rib using a level. Then I clamped the aft bracket 3/32" back from the line, final drilled it and clecoed it in.
Now to fit the forward bracketNow to fit the forward bracket
I think they made tonque depressors for RV building. I have used them quite a lot. Tonque depressors are exactly 1/16 of an inch thick. Tape 2 of them together and you have an 1/8 inch gap to set the distance between the forward and aft crotch kit brackets.
Clamped and drilled the forward bracketClamped and drilled the forward bracket
These small 2 inch clamps really come in handy, especially when you don't want whatever you're drilling to move around. I also drilled the bolt holes for the seat belts that will go in later.
Time the enlarge the floor panel holes into the kit bracket flangesTime the enlarge the floor panel holes into the kit bracket flanges
This was a little tricky. The forward crotch bracket has a top flange that is flexible and moves when you try to drill a hole into it throught the floor panel. So I clamped that flange to the floor rib under the floor panel (not shown) to make sure it wouldn't move while I'm final drilling these nutplate holes.
Deburred, nutplates installed. Time to pop-rivet.Deburred, nutplates installed. Time to pop-rivet.
This is where big fat hands are a problem. I lost count of all of my "damn-its" during the installation of these brackets. Continued bending over and trying to get the $#%^ pop-rivet gun inside a small space can really get your goat. But I "gotter' dun!"
Voila! Voila!
Here's a better shot of the whole shootin' match. Glad that's done! (Oh yeah, don't mess up on the pop-rivets, ya' only get one extra one for screw ups.)
An extra shot of the mess, er... project areaAn extra shot of the mess, er... project area
Some people have been saying to me, "Yeah, I like looking at all your intricate work, but what does the frickin' plane look like?". So I'm going to include over all shots from now on. How's dat?
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