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RV-9A: Top Skins and Baggage Area - 6/7/2009
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Drilled the F-757 Gussets into placeDrilled the F-757 Gussets into place
Here's last thing to do before deburring, dimpling, and priming these parts before riveting. I drilled these 1/8" holes for the flat head rivets that will go into the longeron.
First things firstFirst things first
The F-757 gusset must get riveted first. The instructions don't mention this, but it has to be. The F-721B side rail actually touches the rivets in the gusset and would definitely get in the way. After I riveted the F-757 gusset in place, I clecoed on the F721B side rail and started riveting it.
This took a really LONG time to rivet in place. I couldn't use my hand and pnuematic squeezer because it wouldn't go over the flange on the under side of the F-721B side rails. Then I noticed that my regular bucking bar wouldn't fit behind the flange either. Dammit! Keep reading....
Here's the solutionHere's the solution
A few weeks back, I ordered this really thin bucking bar, not knowing whether I would use it or not. Turns out, I got real lucky on this own. This thin bucking bar was just the right size to fit behind the F-721B side rail flange, alowing me to rivet the rails into place with the rivet gun. Did you notice the Home Depot chisel? I had to use head of this chisel to get the end rivets of the rail. the bucking bar wouldn't reach those rivets.
Time to work on the F-695 Firewall GussetsTime to work on the F-695 Firewall Gussets
I marked the positions of the drill holes on these pieces and drilled the 1/8" holes with the drill press.
Drilled the F-695 gusset to the firewall and longeronsDrilled the F-695 gusset to the firewall and longerons
The gusset didn't exactly fit like I thought it should. The angle against the firewall looked off to me. So after going on Van's Air Force and talking with some other builders, I decided to trim this gusset a little to make it fit better.
These rivets are really close together. I started off using my longeron yoke on my pneumatic squeezer and then switched to my 4 inch no-hole yoke to get the rivets that farthest from the edge of the gusset.
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