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RV-9A: Forward Assembly - 3/30/2009
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Primed the forward bottom skin and angle piecesPrimed the forward bottom skin and angle pieces
What the heck, one less thing to do later. I'm kind of making this up as I go along, looking for a better way to do this forward assembly without taking the whole damn thing apart, and then freaking out later when trying to figure out what goes where and which hole gets dimpled, countersunk or nothing.
Remove the blue film from the backs of the side skinsRemove the blue film from the backs of the side skins
I saw a video where another builder got the skins off using using wooden rod. It works pretty good. I used a paint roller extension and took off the blue stuff pretty easily. However, you have to then remove the sticky blue off the stick too when your done. This blue stuff is like the Tar Baby store.
Time for dimplin'!Time for dimplin'!
I got out my "C" frame whacker and did the 1/8" holes first, then the 3/32" holes, being careful to not dimple some holes where I ain't supposed to. My good friend Bob came over and helped my drill the 3 big holes with my unibit on the drill press. I had to go to Lowes and get a large 1 1/8" unibit.
Both side skins are readyBoth side skins are ready
Looks pretty cool!
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