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RV-9A: Other Bulkheads & Longerons - 6/17/2008
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Drove out to the my hangar in North East TexasDrove out to the my hangar in North East Texas
This weekend was grass cuttin' time at my hangar. On the way, we skirted around this giant storm that had just pounded the interstate we were on. The air was crystal clear and the sun was shining on the trees and fields just north of the storm. We pulled off and just had to take some shots. Just click on any of the pictures in the detail to see the full picture.
Holy moly!!Holy moly!!
That's a dark cloud!!
Visualization time!Visualization time!
For all you who know about the "Law of Attraction", this is for you. See yourself pulling up to your hangar with your new RV nestled comfortably inside, just waiting for you to pull her out.
Check the windsCheck the winds
As you taxi out, you see the windsock. Gently suggesting that the wind is in your favor. Right down the old runway!
Time for the runup...Time for the runup...
The blue sky beckons you to come up and play as you slowly throttle up and check the mags. The gentle purr of the engine reminds you of a kitten who loves her master.
Ready for takeoff!Ready for takeoff!
Such a long runway for such a short roll, RV style! Now feel the power surge as you sink back into your seat. Up you GO!!
Oh yeah... I worked on the RVOh yeah... I worked on the RV
I riveted the The F-707 and 708 bulkheads together. After I riveted them together I noticed that I did it backwards. But wait...
Checked the drawingsChecked the drawings
According to this drawing, I did it backwards. I put the right side of the bulkhead on top of the left, instead of the other way around.
Lookie, Lookie!Lookie, Lookie!
If you look at the drawing that shows all the bulkheads in the assembly, it shows the right side of the bulkhead goes on top of the left side, like I did it. So, in other words, it don't matter which side goes on top. Phewww!
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