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RV-9A: Other Bulkheads & Longerons - 6/13/2008
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Started putting the F-706 bulkhead togetherStarted putting the F-706 bulkhead together
I assembled the bulkhead by drilling the F-730 plate, F-728, F-729C and F-729 rib to the F-706B Bulkhead Bottom, and then riveting everything together except for the F-728 channel, which gets clecoed for now.
I clecoed the tops together. I clecoed the tops together.
The F-728 channel clecos to the single pre-punched hole on the top of the F-706A bulkhead, offset from the where the 2 side pieces come together.
Looking good!Looking good!
I riveted the F-706A-L&R bulkhead halves to the F-706B bulkhead bottom.
Done! On to the other bulkheads!Done! On to the other bulkheads!
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