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RV-9A: Flaps - 11/15/2007
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Starting riveting the nose rib/hinge assemblies to the left FL-903 SparStarting riveting the nose rib/hinge assemblies to the left FL-903 Spar
I had to read the instructions carefully here. The inboard most nose rib is not riveted to the main spar at this time, since it has other parts that rivet to it in a later step.
Continued riveting the forward assemblies to the sparContinued riveting the forward assemblies to the spar
It's little tight here, getting the pneumatic squeezer in position. I am finding more and more that I am using the 4 inch yoke and the rivetset plunger from the hand squeezer in my pneumatice squeezer.
Cussin' time!!Cussin' time!!
The instructions say to "Rivet the FL-906B Plate to the inboard FL-905 Rib", then "install the platenut". What the instructions should have said was "Rivet one side of the platenut to the aft end of the FL-905 Rib. Then rivet the FL-906B Plate to the inboard FL-905 Rib, then rivet the other end of the platenut through the countersunk hole in the FL-906B Plate." The original instructions aren't wrong, just practically impossible to do a good job of installing the platenut. UPDATE: 12/29/2007 Check out how I did the right flap at this point.
What a pain in the bahootie!What a pain in the bahootie!
I had to drill out the nutplate rivets 4 times before getting the rivets set right. The problem is that with the FL-906B Plate riveted on to the rib, it forces you to squeeze the rivet on the platenut on the edge of the rivet set, which makes the rivet want to "stove pipe" over. If this nutplate rivet (on the aft end of the rib) was set first and the FL-906B Plate was installed afterwards, it would be much easier to get a precise rivet set. The other problem is that the long rivet used to rivet through the FL-906B Plate and the rib, into the nutplate is really too long for this application. But the next size down is too short! Dammit! So this rivet also "stove piped" over several times, until I shortened the rivet a little bit and retried it.
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