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RV-9A: Left Fuel Tank - 5/1/2006
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Started work on the Left Tank T-902 baffle and T-912 attach anglesStarted work on the Left Tank T-902 baffle and T-912 attach angles
The T-912 attach angles are "Z" shaped parts that attach the back of the tanks to the main spar. I noticed on the plans that these angles don't all attach to the main spar the same way. The attach points to the main spar are either to the left or the right of the attach points on the tank back. So I marked where the attach points were on my ruler, starting at the inboard rib of the previously attached leading edge assembly.
Transferred the main spar attach point marks to the tank back (baffle)Transferred the main spar attach point marks to the tank back (baffle)
This will give me more of a visual (and reassured) reference that I'm placing the "Z" brackets correctly on the tank back (baffle), as far as right or left placement.
Marked the Z anglesMarked the Z angles
Here I marked everything I could think of, "T" for tank, "W" for wing, "Top", "Bot", you get the idea. I am a firm believer in using my blue sharpie to mark everything I think I might forget. I use Laquer Thinner to remove the blue sharpie marks when the markings are no longer needed. The Laquer Thinner easily makes the sharpie marks disapear as if they were never there.
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