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RV-9A: Left Fuel Tank - 4/30/2006
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Cut out the T-911 and T-911-INBD stiffenersCut out the T-911 and T-911-INBD stiffeners
Alrighty! This I know how to do! I drew the lines on the striffeners as indicated by the drawing and rough cut the stiffeners out with my band saw. Then I finished them off with the bench sander. The next step is to run them over the scotchbrite wheel to get the burrs off. One of the stiffeners is shorter than the rest. It is the inboard stiffener. I had visualize this one, because it appears that there is a definite "left" and "right" tank application here.
Clecoed and final drilled the stiffeners in placeClecoed and final drilled the stiffeners in place
No "strain on the brain" here, it's pretty straight forward. However, I feel that this is the calm before the storm. The next instruction, which deals the baffle and attach angles, reads "The relationship of the T-902 baffle and T-912 attach angles to the tank is fairly complex, so take the time to understand how everything goes together before you pick up the drill". Nothing like scaring the crap out of the builder as a motivator.
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