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RV-9A: Tail Feathers - 2/15/2010
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Time to fit the Elevators to the Horizontal StabilizerTime to fit the Elevators to the Horizontal Stabilizer
At this point, it's difficult to know what to do next, so I've decided to fit the tail feathers while I'm waiting for the Firewall Forward kit. This whole session today is about drilling the elevator horns together for the push rod to connect to them. Here I have "clamped" (Smitty style) the horizontal stabilizer to the work bench top. and mounted the right elevator.
Here's my Smitty clampHere's my Smitty clamp
I scratched my head for quite a while trying to figure out how to "clamp", as the instructions say, the horizontal stabilizer to the work bench top. All I need is something to just to gently hold the horizontal stabilizer down so it won't flip off the bench after the elevators are mounted. So I grabbed a piece of 3/8 inch plywood and put a 6 inch bolt through the middle of it and drilled a hole in the work bench top and put a nut on the underside. It's not tight at all, just enough to keep the the horizontal stabilizer from moving too much.
Here are my elevator mounting toolsHere are my elevator mounting tools
I made 4 of these temporary installation rods and a bolt holder to put the bolts into the holes.
Clamped the elevators in positionClamped the elevators in position
In order to drill the hole in the elevator horns for the push rod, I had to clamp each elevator arm to where they match the the horizontal stabilizer. I used two scrap pieces of 1/4 plywood.
A shot of my fiberglass experimentA shot of my fiberglass experiment
I gotta' brag here. I glassed over where the fiberglass tips join the elevator. It turned out pretty good, if I do say so.
Forgot to take picturesForgot to take pictures
Well, the whole purpose of today's entry was to document the drilling on the holes into the elevator horns for the pushrod attachment. Captain doh-doh forgot to take pictures. Now that is all done, all I can show you is the hole I drilled in the left elevator and the hardwood block I used to carry the first hole over to the right elevator horn. Sorry bout' that.
One more shot of the whole HS and elevatorsOne more shot of the whole HS and elevators
Looks cool...
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