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RV-9A: Landing Gear - 4/21/2014
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She's standing on her own!She's standing on her own!
Finally! I invited my neighbor over to help lift the fuselage off the work bench and put her on her feet. While my son, my neighbor and I lifted, my wife pulled the workbench out from under the fuselage and we set her down. Oddly enough it sat nosewheel down, but just barely. If you push down enough on the aft end of the fuselage, it will continue to go down until it touches the floor.
Setting the tension on the front forkSetting the tension on the front fork
The torque on the front wheel fork nut has to be set using a 50 pound fish scale. I made a hook out of an old coat hangar to put inside the bolt hole of the wheel fork, then starting pulling on it with the fish weight scale. I kept tightening the large fork nut until the fish scale was up to 22 pounds when it started to move when pulling on it.
Mounted the tire and rim on the front gearMounted the tire and rim on the front gear
This was a little tricky, but doable. The wheel cover mounting flanges have to have part of them cut out to fit around the main rim bolt. The two inner washers are supposed to fit inside the cutout. The large washer is used to hold the flange in place.
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