RV Aircraft Construction Website

RV-9A: Seats and Seat Floors - 10/28/2009
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More work on the forward coversMore work on the forward covers
Here I've put 2 nutplates on the F-983A Fuel Valve Plate. I had to countersink the plate to make the rivets flush with the surface.
Trial fit to the main bulkheadTrial fit to the main bulkhead
I slid the F-983C Fuel Valve Cover underneath the plate and fastened it to the F-983B cover support ribs and the fuel valve plate.
Clecoed on the F-6O1 K firewall recessClecoed on the F-6O1 K firewall recess
I was wondering when this dude was going to come back into the picture. Now I know why the instructions said "don't rivet it on now".
Enough for one day...Enough for one day...
Tomorrow I will drill all the holes on the forward center cabin cover parts and move on to the next part.
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