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RV-9A: Tailcone - 7/15/2008
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Ah-ha! I figured out the J-Stringers thingAh-ha! I figured out the J-Stringers thing
I figured that if I just clecoed things together, the answer to the J-Stringer cuts would become obvious. I found that the forward ends of all 6 J-Stringers needed to be cut as the drawing indicated, making left and right versions of each F-786 A, B and C sets. The aft ends were a different story. They were trimmed "as needed" to make them fit properly on the aft bulkheads. It was really obvious how they needed to be trimmed when matched up to the point where they will be riveted in.
A shot of one of the forward ends of a J-StringerA shot of one of the forward ends of a J-Stringer
Clecoed on the F-71 1/F-712/F-779 assemblyClecoed on the F-71 1/F-712/F-779 assembly
An inside shotAn inside shot
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