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RV-9A: Ailerons - 7/31/2007
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Countersunk the aileron spar and reinforcement platesCountersunk the aileron spar and reinforcement plates
I haven't worked on the RV for quite a while because of tennis elbow in my right arm. From all of the articles I've read, the only way to get rid of it is to not use your arm, great... It felt good to get back to work. I spoke with some nice folks from Canada at the RV BBQ at Oshkosh. He said that he is going to re-order the parts to build his ailerons again because they just didn't come out right. He said that they were warped when he got through. These puppies are really tough to put together.
My spar holder jig came in handy (again)My spar holder jig came in handy (again)
I used my hole checker (piece of sheet aluminum with a dimple in it) to make sure that the depth of the countersink was OK.
UPDATE: I have received several emails from builders who are having to re-order new aileron spars because they countersunk these holes too deep. They found that when it came time to start clecoing the skins to the spar, the clecos wouldn't stay in at all because the countersunk increased the size of the rivet hole. You may want to do an occasional check by clecoing on a dimpled scrap piece of sheet metal to the countersunk hole just to make sure that the cleco will hold. There is a incredible amount of tension placed on these holes when it comes time to clecoing on the leading edge skin.
Countersunk the trailing edge wedgeCountersunk the trailing edge wedge
I clecoed the wedge into the table holes that I drilled when putting the aileron parts together.
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