RV Aircraft Construction Website

RV-9A: Left Wing Skins - 11/20/2006
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Almost there!Almost there!
Thanks to Bruce and his lovely wife Kathy, this here puppy is just about done! Bruce is building a RV-7A and you can see his website at http://www.mykitlog.com/bpauley. All I have to do now is the cross joint where the skins come together and the horizontal J-stringer that run down the middle of the wing. We spent about 5 hours working on the skin and then celebrated with a victory beer(s).
Nice work Bruce!Nice work Bruce!
Bruce really knows his stuff. He bucked the rib rivets from the outside while I back-riveted from, you guessed it, the back! Then we switched on the spar, and he used the rivet gun with the mushroom head on the skin and I bucked from behind.
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