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RV-9A: Left Fuel Tank - 6/17/2006
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Roughed up the interior of the left tank skinRoughed up the interior of the left tank skin
I used some scotchbrite pads that I got from Averys and scuffed up the tank skin wherever the skin met up with any of the interior parts. I first rubbed straight over the rivet holes and the went back and did a criss-cross "X" rub over the straight rub.
Dimpled and scuffed all the remaining partsDimpled and scuffed all the remaining parts
I did the same straight rub with the criss-cross rub on the these parts as well, wherever the part touched the tank skin.
Here it is, the black death, boogers in a can... make up your own nameHere it is, the black death, boogers in a can... make up your own name
I ordered this Proseal from Vans. I wished Averys sold this stuff. Their delivery is outstanding. Most times it's "next day" delivery.
Getting ready for mixing the black gooGetting ready for mixing the black goo
I am going to use these large syringes to measure and dispense the Proseal. Here's the article where I got the idea.
Modified the syringesModified the syringes
I used my bench grinder to grind off the tip of one 20 cc syringes and then drilled a small hole in the end. This syringe will be used to dispense the black goo after it is mixed. Then I grounded off the ends of the other 2 syringes down to the first mark on the side of the syringe. The small syringe is a 12 cc syringe. Grinding of the ends of syringes allows you to suck up the black and white stuff in the appropriate amounts (10 to 1). The large one will be for the white stuff and the small one for the black stuff. I will use a flat surface to mix the blank white stuff together before putting it in the dispensing syringe. UPDATE 7/4/2006: The 2 syringes with the ends cut off worked great for dispensing the correct amounts of proseal compounds. I never did use the syringe on the left side of the picture, with the small hole in the end. Also, I was able to reuse the large syringes for the white compound, but the small syringes had to be thrown away after each session. The black goo messed up the plunger. I also found out that the black goo is the part of the mix that is hard to get off your skin, even before it's mixed in with the white goo.
The rest of the goodiesThe rest of the goodies
I bought about a dozen of these "throw away" paint brushes that I got from lowes. I also bought a case of tongue depressers and pop-sicle sticks at a local arts and crafts store. I also found a second hand video on ebay on prosealing tanks. It's very helpful. They are also available at www.fly-gbi.com. UPDATE 7/4/2006: I found out that I really didn't need the brushes or the tongue depressers. I really used a LOT of the popsicle sticks.
Gotta' have that lacquer thinner!Gotta' have that lacquer thinner!
This stuff is great. It cleans with no residue and evaporates quickly. It's also guaranteed to bring out a veritable plethora of complaints from the wife about the smell. I'm going to put the tank rivets for each riveting session into a mason jar and swish them around with this lacquer thinner. That will remove any oils that may prevent the proseal from getting a good seal. This stuff will even remove pencil marks off wood. I learned about this when helping my Dad build kitchen cabinets.
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