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RV-9A: Left Elevator - 2/15/2006
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I've got wings!I've got wings!
400 pounds of pure joy! The trucking company got their delivery schedule a little bit messed up. The wings were supposed to arrive between 11 am and 1 pm, but didn't. I called them and found out that all non-commercial deliveries were made after 3 pm. The unloading help I inlisted for the noon delivery couldn't be there for the after 3 pm delivery. Luckily my neighbor was around that afternoon. He and the truck driver graciously helped me get everything into garage. The boxes were in perfect condition. Thanks ABF Freight!
Dang, I better get busy!Dang, I better get busy!
Now that the wings are here, I've got to get this tail kit finished. I sanded the edges of the trim tab cover plate and used my #6 dimple dies to dimple the screw holes and screwed the plate on.
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