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RV-9A: Horizontal Stabilizer - 8/16/2005
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Clecoed the HS-902 front spars to the HS-907 front spar doublerClecoed the HS-902 front spars to the HS-907 front spar doubler
It's great to get started! I final drilled all of the pre-punched 1/8" holes.
Started on fabricating the HS-908-L and HS-908-R attach anglesStarted on fabricating the HS-908-L and HS-908-R attach angles
This was a little confusing, but thanks to some great photos on Mike Schippers website, I figured it out. The angles are now marked and ready for cutout.
Cut out the HS-908-L/R attach anglesCut out the HS-908-L/R attach angles
Whoa, what a job! This stuff is 1/4" thick. I cut as close as I could with my band saw and my hack saw to the lines drawn on the aluminum angle. Then I used a combination of the bench sander and the scotchbrite wheel to get it down to the line. Damn, these suckers get hot fast! I had to trade back and forth, letting one cool down while I grinded down on the other. Then I rounded of the edges and sanded everything down.
Clecoed on the attach angles and match drilled the holes Clecoed on the attach angles and match drilled the holes
The HS-907 front spar double has one hole that you use to cleco the attach angles on to. Then it's a matter of making sure the angles are square and match drilling the other 8 holes into the spar double and front spars.
Clecoed the HS-902 rear spars to the HS-906 rear spar doublerClecoed the HS-902 rear spars to the HS-906 rear spar doubler
I final drilled the 1/8" holes using #30 drill bit.
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