RV Aircraft Construction Website

RV-9A: Project Entry
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Making the E-921 Elevator Gusset (otherwise known as the cuss-it)

Just a few extra words in the instructions would help save a few hours of freak-out time when trying to figure out something like this. The instructions give this part a name as if it was a part. It ain't, you have to make it. First of all, after endless searching in the box, you have to come to the conclusion that it's not a pre-made part. OK....what do you make it out of?; the extra sheet packet?; the small (unlabeled) square piece of scrap with the kit? ARRRRGGHHHH! I spent at least and hour on the internet looking at other builders websites, but didn't find diddley. Finally I went down to Lowes and bought this caliper thinking that I had to make the part out of one of those sheets in the packet that comes with the kit. Before I started checking the width of each sheet, I decided to check that small piece of scrap in the kit I found and noticed that it was the 0.063 width that I was looking for. Then I noticed that someone at the factory marked the part with "063" with a sharpie. That is supposed to identify this part??? OK....deep breath. Time to make the $%& part.

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