RV Aircraft Construction Website

RV-9A: Project Entry

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Started work on the J Stringers

The J Stringers provide some horizontal support for the middle of the wing skins. I remembered working on these on the left wing. I thought it would easy since I’ve already done it. NOT! The instructions say to: "Slip the W-926B (J Stringer) into place so that it just butts up to the edge of the W-903 skin". This has to be a typo. The W-903 skin is the outboard skin, therefore the J Stringer lays on top of the W-903 skin and then actually butts up against the W-902 skin, where the skins over lap. So I cut the outboard J Stringer to the correct length and put it in place. Now comes the time for cutting the inboard J Stringer, which is shown on the left photo where the inboard J Stringer is overlapping the outboard J Stringer. The instructions don’t say how long to make the inboard stringer. It just says: "The two stringers overlap just outboard of the skin overlap." See the next entry.UPDATE 12/21/2006: OOPSIES... Turns out there is a measurement shown for the 2 J Stringers on Drawing 9. My good friend John from England emailed me about the measurements. Thanks John! BUT, if you cut the J Stringers as indicated, they contradict the rivet placement drawing, which shows 3 rivets past the skin overlap. These measurements only allow 2 rivets past the skin overlap.

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