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Riveted on the T-406B fuel cap flange and T-914 clip
This made quite a mess as well. I put the rivets in place on the skin, held by some rivet tape. Then I layed the skin down on the back rivet plate. I put a layer of proseal on the fuel cap flange and pushed it onto the rivets in the skin, forcing the black goo out around the edges. I left one rivet out, because I knew that I would use my hand squeezer to put the last rivet in that holds the T-914 curl clip. I back-riveted everthing down, making sure that the curve of the cap flange was down flat on the back-rivet plate. When I got it all riveted, everything in sight looked a murder scene, except the blood was black. The back rivet board was total gooey mess. Once again, I took some paper towels with laquer thinner and started cleaning away. I made sure that I forced some of the proseal inside the flange, where it met the top tank skin.