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Time to put on the snap-in hole plug
Nope, not gonna' happen. Everytime I tried to put it on, the rubber that I left inside the knob just pushed the button off. Dammit! So I decided that the rubber needs to come out after all. So I grabbed my small needle nose pliers and starting pulling out the rubber in small chunks until I got enough clearance for the snap-in hole plug to fit. This rubber has the same consistency as a nipple on a baby bottle. If you ever get a grip on a hunk of it, you could stretch out like a kid pulling chewing gum out from his teeth. After I finally got enough clearance for the snap-in hole plug to fit, it wouldn't stay in. Dammit! (#2). So I mixed some of that quick setting cement and glued the damn thing in place. I also used the same cement to fill in the gap around the snap-in hole plug to close the empty space between the knob and the snap-in hole plug.