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Allrighty! It's time for electrical stuff!!
The instructions say to start of the installation of the flap motor by running the motor until the shaft is half way between its travel stops. So "Back to the Internet, Batman!". I searched throught the postings on VansAirForce.net looking for the best way to set up a power source. Most were in agreement that an old car battery would do the job, with an occasional recharge along the way. It seems that using portable power converters only add a "hummmm" to your avionics when testing. Well, I didn't have a old car battery, so I bought this one at Sam's for fifty bucks. I can always use it as a backup for when a battery goes dead in one of our cars. I got couple of nuts, bolts and washers and installed them into the side of the battery. Then I went to Lowes an bought two sets of battery clamps, one set large and the other small. Then I cut the ends off an old extension cord and made a hookup cable, soldering everything in place.