RV Aircraft Construction Website

RV-9A: Electrical - 12/14/2010
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Put the F-665 Control Column Pushrod togetherPut the F-665 Control Column Pushrod together
Pretty simple thing to do.
Installed the WD-610 Control ColumnInstalled the WD-610 Control Column
I already had all the nuts, bolts and washer handy from when I put all this control column stuff together a while back. Now it was time to put it in permanently. I noticed that there is always one washer that is hell to put when installing this type of application. Notice the elevator push rod (mentioned in my previous entry) doesn't have the rod end bearing on yet. I had to put the elevator push rod in first before the end bearings went on, because it wouldn't go on with the end bearings attached.
Put the rod end bearings on the elevator push rodPut the rod end bearings on the elevator push rod
I had done a previous install of these rod end bearings on the push rod but found I couldn't get it into the middle slot of the fuselage. So I marked where they went on the screw ends and put them on after the push rod was put into place.
Here's the other rod end bearing installed on the push rodHere's the other rod end bearing installed on the push rod
Here's my washer trickHere's my washer trick
I used some of my 3M Removable Scotch tape and put one end of the washer on the end of the tape, and then folded the tape over on to the other side of washer. This way you can slide the washer into position without any sticky on the tape adhering to the parts. Then after the washer is on the bolt, you just pull the tape off. Ain't that slick?
Tightened the nuts on the forward end of the elevator push rodTightened the nuts on the forward end of the elevator push rod
I also marked the nuts as a reminder that "I done did that".
Installed the control sticks and the column pushrod Installed the control sticks and the column pushrod
THIS is cool!
Tightened the nuts on the aft end of the elevator push rodTightened the nuts on the aft end of the elevator push rod
Now to find something else to work on....
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