RV Aircraft Construction Website

RV-9A: Center Section - 1/12/2009
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Finished riveting the bottom skinFinished riveting the bottom skin
My good buddy Norwood came over (again) and helped me rivet the bottom skin on. We stood the center section on it's legs upside on the garage floor. Norwood pulled up an old piece of carpet and laid on his back to buck the rivets while I drove them from the top. It all worked well and went really fast. Thanks Norwood! I'm going to get him a t-shirt that says "Will Buck for Beer".
Modified one of my bucking barsModified one of my bucking bars
I mentioned in my previous building session that I bought a new bucking bar that made it easy to buck rivets on ribs. But I noticed that the bucking end was too wide and would touch the shop heads on each side of the rivet I was trying to buck. So I went to Lowes (lumber and aircraft supply) and bought a pneumatic cutting tool and cut off each end of the bucking bar head and then smoothed it off with my scotchbrite wheel.
Here's my cutting tool.Here's my cutting tool.
49 bucks at Lowes. Very cool. I should be able to use it for cutting the canopy. If not, someone please email me.
Now THAT will fit between the rivetsNow THAT will fit between the rivets
This dude works great! It makes a perfect shop head.
Now for the fun stuff!Now for the fun stuff!
That just looks damn cool. I clecoed in the floor skins. My sun walked in asked "Is that where we're going to sit? Duuude....".
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