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RV-9A: F-705 Bulkhead - 5/12/2008
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Making the bend on the F-705KMaking the bend on the F-705K
I bought a bending brake at Harbor Freight for 30 bucks to put the bend in the F-705K. It worked pretty good except that I had to go back on put the clamps back on in the middle only of the bending brake to really get a definite bend all the way across the part. Making a small 4 degree bend is a little tough.
Drilled the holes for the F-705J angle pieceDrilled the holes for the F-705J angle piece
The instructions say to put an 1/8 inch gap between the top of the and the top of the F-705F channel. 2 tongue depressors pieces are exactly 1/8 inch when put together.
Yep, that'll work...Yep, that'll work...
All drilled and clecoed.All drilled and clecoed.
Drilled the F-705L shim in placeDrilled the F-705L shim in place
After clamping the shim in place, I used the holes in the F-705F channel to drill the holes in the F-705L shim. These holes are centered in the shim.
Got the F-705K plate ready for final drillingGot the F-705K plate ready for final drilling
I took the thin shim out of the way of layed the F-705K plate directly on the F-705F channel and drilled one hole on each end of the plate, using the F705F channel as a drilling guide. Then I put the whole assembly (including the shim) back together. Tomorrow I will drill the rest of these holes.
Yup, looks jes' like the pikcher...Yup, looks jes' like the pikcher...
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