Howdy Ya'll |
Do what yer' Momma said... Go Play! |
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This website contains Affiliate Links. Please read the Disclosure for details.
My Panel |
Here's what I'm thinking for my panel.
I'm including a small 2 1/4" airspeed indicator and an altimeter just for
overkill. I also added two cigarette lighter plugs. I centered up the GPS
and the map box around the center panel rib.
Here's my grocery list
(top to bottom, left to right):
A website designed for Van's Aircraft Homebuilders, helping them find the
information they need to build the most dynamic aircraft in the world.
The "cover your butt" section |
This website was built to document the construction of an RV-9A in
compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify the aircraft. Any experiences and/or comments are by
no means to be considered as instructions on how to build an RV-9A or any other aircraft. Please read our Disclosure for details.
This is website is owned and published by OpenAirNet, Inc. © 2015. All rights reserved.