Smitty's RV-9A - Experimental Aircraft from Van's Aircraft The RV-9A from Van's Aircraft 2005 EAA
Sport Pilot Tour (TKI)
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TL Ultralights - Sting Sport (interior view)TL Ultralights - Sting Sport (interior view)
Welcome to the 2005 EAA Sport Pilot Tour The Aircraft on Tour Breezer Ikarus (exterior view) - Breezer Ikarus (interior view) - TL Ultralights - Sting Sport (exterior view) TL Ultralights - Sting Sport (interior view) TL Ultralights - Sting Sport (another interior view)
IndUS Aviation - Sky Skooter (exterior view) AveoUSA - Gryf Air - Sport Rider (exterior view) Aveo USA - Gryf Air - Sport Rider (interior view) - (Aerostar) Festival (exterior view) - (Aerostar) Festival (interior view) Airtime Aviation Flight Design - CT SW (exterior view) Airtime Aviation Flight Design - CT SW (interior view) - C42 American Legend Cub (exterior view) American Legend Cub (interior view) Sport Aircraft International Evektor SportStar (exterior view) Sport Aircraft International Evektor SportStar (interior view) Jabiru USA - J250 (exterior view) Jabiru USA - J250 (interior view)
RANS Inc. S-7S Courier (exterior view) Rans Inc. S-7S Courier (interior view) Signing up people for the EAA! Getting ready to serve up them Burgers and Dogs! Learning more about your local EAA Chapters

A website designed for Van's Aircraft Homebuilders, helping them find the information they need to build the most dynamic aircraft in the world.
The "cover your butt" section
This website was built to document the construction of an RV-9A in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify the aircraft. Any experiences and/or comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build an RV-9A or any other aircraft. Please read our Disclosure for details.
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