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RV-9A: Horizontal Stabilizer - 9/21/2005
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Dimpled the ribs on the Left Horizontal StabilizerDimpled the ribs on the Left Horizontal Stabilizer
I marked holes that don''t get dimpled the inner most ribs where the empennage fairing is attached. As before, I used a 3/32 small diameter female dimple die on the dimples, since the standard female dimple tends to bend the flange out when making the dimple.
Countersinked the main sparsCountersinked the main spars
This was quite tedious, especially for highly anal people such as myself. I checked each countersink with a flat head rivet to make that it sat in the hole, flush with the top of the spar flange. The Micro-Stop Countersink made it easier, but I still had to be carefull not to go too deep.
Started dimpling the Left HS skinStarted dimpling the Left HS skin
Opting for the Pop-rivet dimplers, rather than beating the crap of the sheet with the C-Frame dimpler, I started working on dimpling the skin. Yeah, I know it takes a long time to do it this way, but what the hell, I'm certainly not in a hurry. These rivets are going to look great when I put them.
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